
Portfolio, Client and Business Understanding

Determining what’s driving your profitability NOW

We examine your product and service range, your clients and your business to gain a thorough understanding of how you operate and the key drivers of your profit and loss.

Your future client and product portfolio, and the way you perform your business, may need to be very different from the (recent) past.

Get in touch to discuss our experience in this area, what we have learned from other companies, and how this review will help you.

Identifying and implementing immediate changes

Ensuring short term commercial viability

This activity is closely coupled to the initial audit, and involves selecting what you should be doing more of, and what you need to change or stop. This can relate to particular products and services, or to specific clients and activities.

The outcome is to stem activities that are losing money, and growing those parts of the business that will generate cash while ensuring you have the basis of a long term commercially successful business.

We’re proud to help clients identify, choose and then deliver, the steps that will make the biggest immediate and long term improvements to their businesses – contact us to see how we can help you.

Ensuring a long term business plan and supporting programme of initiatives

Ensuring a sustainable and successful business

Once immediate steps have been taken to withdraw from loss making activities and to focus on more profitable tasks, it is necessary to determine the future direction and ensure longevity.

Solutions to this challenge will impact on all aspects of your business: products and services, markets, clients, operations, research and development. Any business can move forward with small incremental changes, but building for the future in today’s rapidly evolving environment means making insightful choices and taking bold decisions.

We will ensure that all viable options are considered, and help you establish a comprehensive plan that will deliver your stakeholder expectations.

Implementing plans and targeted initiatives

Implementing change and delivering results

Changes will be delivered to your business through a programme of activities including targeted initiatives.

​We will ensure that a business plan, supported by a change programme and supporting initiatives is established with the appropriate level of monitoring, governance and control.

​Newmoon Associates have a broad range of functional and change expertise and experience, including operational accountability, which ensures that you will have the right people engaged to ensure success.