Responding to crises - business planning

Mar 2 2021

Restrictions associated with Covid-19 are starting to be eased - what planning do businesses need to do?

The requirements are not different from planning at any other time, although plans are likely to be needed much more quickly than normal, and are likely to require amending and revising to accommodate the very dynamic environment. The key objective remains to deliver what your customers want in an efficient and effective way, while ensuring you develop the desired future potential for your business.

Business plans still need to consider the same aspects:

  • External environment

  • Internal environment

  • Options and the chosen way forward

  • What needs to happen to deliver the intended outcome

  • Risks and mitigation

  • Key performance measures

At Newmoon, we are used to running businesses, and establishing plans in exceptional circumstances. Contact us to discuss how we could help you.

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